Communicating and Teaching Creatively
Hugo Olaiz (Language: English)

How can I use the gifts that God gave me to reach my audience? In this workshop I’ll discuss some of my experiences using scriptures, videos, and interviews to communicate effectively, to teach, and to inspire.

After Coronavirus: ABCD and reconstruction after the Pandemic
Glenda McQueen & Nelson Serrano (Language: Spanish)
As the time of the pandemic passes, challenges arise in our congregations, which lead us to question or rethink the processes that we are leading in the communities. Through the workshop we will allow ourselves to identify the assets that we have in our congregations, and that will allow us to overcome the crisis that the COVID-19 pandemic is generating.

Healing Ministry Towards Church Revival
Fred Vergara (Language: English)

In the Bible, Jesus healed for three reasons:(1) A response to human needs, (2) A prelude for evangelism and (3) A demonstration that the power of God is far more superior than the power of sickness, evil and death. This Workshop presents appropriate scriptures, tradition and reason with regards to the healing ministry of the Church. As we return to our churches after being locked down, isolated or quarantined due to COVID19, we will see people mourning the loss of loved ones and dealing with psychological and spiritual trauma. The ministry of healing will be an effective tool for spiritual renewal and revival of the church.

Ministry and Commission of the Baptized
Albert Cutié (Language: Spanish)

I would like to invite people to reflect on the ministry of the baptized in today's changing Church. As we become a church with many congregations who cannot afford a full-time priest, what role are we inviting our laity – all the Baptized – to exercise?

Historical Trauma: Background, present context, and healing
Shaneequa Brokenleg (Language: English)

This workshop will explore historical or generational trauma and healing. Participants will learn how to describe it, examples, and explore symptoms of historical trauma. We will discuss healing and reconciliation as well as dimensions of culture and the communication gap.

Our Body Praises God
Sandy Milien (Language: Spanish)

If you are interested in starting a new ministry in your community, focused on physical health and taking it beyond your church, come and learn to exercise and take care of your health using Christian music. This workshop will be very interactive, so come and join this new Dance Worship movement!

Journey Toward Wellness and Wholeness
Estela Lopez (Language: English)
One powerful tool is the Self-Assessment. This workshop is designed to help you assess the following areas of wellness in your own life: handling emotions; relationships; stress resilience; care for the body; vocation; organization; spirituality; rest & play.

Intrafamiliar Violence In Times Of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Deacon Ema Rosero-Nordalm & Alexandra Richardson (Language: Spanish)
This workshop explores the circle of domestic violence in the home and how this scourge affects the entire community in the psychological, economic and spiritual aspects.