Plenary: Latino leadership in the Church
The Very Rev. Miguelina Espinal Howell (Language: Spanish)
Women’s leadership has been a controversial issue since the beginning of the Christian Church. In the modern church, it can be an emotionally charged issue depending on culture, context, and the interpretation of biblical theology. Through storytelling and encouragement, Dean Howell will engage in a conversation with the audience about the importance of creating spaces for women to share their God-given gifts in all levels of God’s Church.
Dean Howell will address leadership as a gift and a responsibility. She will focus on Latino/Hispanic leadership within the Episcopal Church and women leadership, particularly the importance of understanding systems and valuing resources such as mentorship and formation.

Workshop 1: “Strengthening Our Leadership Through Contemplative Prayer”
Rev. Wilfredo Benítez
(Language: Spanish)
This workshop will offer a brief opportunity for the exploration of contemplative prayer (Centering Prayer) and how this in turn can strengthen the believer into social action, and raise a prophetic voice. Being quiet in the presence of God, in silence, has profound consequences, and is a fundamental ingredient for leadership nurtured by the Spirit.

Workshop 2: Academia Ecumenica de Liderazgo: Empowering the Laity
Mildred Reyes, Michael Morgan & Victoria Umana (Language: Spanish)
Description: It sparks an interest in wanting to know how Academia Ecumenica de Liderazgo develop, transform, and empower lay ministry.

Workshop 3: Prophetic Leadership in Today’s Church
The Rev. Francisco García & The Reverend Nancy Frausto (Language: English)
This workshop will discuss the ministry of Sanctuary and Sacred Resistance that emerged in the Diocese of Los Angeles beginning in 2016 and continues to the present. Following a resolution committing itself to become a Sanctuary Diocese, clergy and lay leaders from across the Diocese became more readily engaged in making their parishes and neighborhoods places of welcome, refuge and sanctuary to members of the immigrant and refugee community. The principles of Sanctuary and Sacred Resistance, drawing from prophetic biblical traditions and the Episcopal Church’s own Baptismal Covenant, have always been intended to apply to all efforts of the church to stand against all forms of oppression, bigotry, and systemic injustice. Revs. Nancy Frausto and Francisco Garcia, two convening leaders of this effort, will share the story of Sacred Resistance, provide the theological/biblical grounding for the work, share ideas and concrete examples on how to do this work in different parish contexts, and issue an urgent call/invitation for the church to embody similar kinds of bold, risk-taking, prophetic leadership to confront the most pressing injustices of our time.

Workshop 4: Leadership in Small Groups
Rev. Marivel Milien (Language: Spanish)
In this workshop we will present how to create small groups in the Church, and the formation and training to develop the leadership of the members. Small groups are the best tool today, in our Churches, to promote the creativity of their members and effective fellowship. In small groups, you can support each other, bonds of trust are created, and gifts and talents are developed. Participate, come explore and conquer your leadership!