Plenary – Dreaming for Christ: United to Love, Witness and Serve
Ana Victoria Lantigua Zaya
Every dream we have for our Church is an opportunity to be closer to God. Children and young people should be part of that dream, since in addition to being the future of the Church, they also represent the present. As a young man, how can I discover God's plan in me? And as an adult, how can I promote spaces for young people to develop their talents? In this space we will take a look at these questions and how the concept of unity is an essential part of the future of the Church.

Opening New Routes
Anthony Rodriguez
Our society is always evolving; And the children of today are not like those of the past and sometimes it is difficult to keep up with the changes. There are many challenges that come with leadership in children's ministry, but in 2020 those challenges have multiplied. However, I have found that the biggest challenge we face is ourselves. When we feel that crises take us out of our comfort zone, challenging us to try new tools, transforming those crises into opportunities. There are several resources that can be used in a children's ministry, and in this workshop you will learn from some resources that have worked in my parish and I will also share some ingredients of how to build an effective children's ministry.

Let's move on with our Youth !: Lessons learned, efforts in progress and a look to the future
Cristina D. Olán Martínez
The Youth Ministry of the Episcopal Church, Diocese of Puerto Rico will share a brief historical background of the work with Youth in Puerto Rico and will present the activities carried out with Youth before and during the pandemic. Some success stories will be shown as an example to follow in other communities and what are the aspects that have allowed the achievement of positive results. There will be dynamics, interaction with the participants and teamwork. At the end of the workshop, participants will have a basic idea of how they can start or continue to promote Youth work in their communities.

Hearing the cries in the wilderness: Cultivating the voices of young adults in ministry
Maria Bautista Vargas and Idania Argueta
St. Teresa of Avila is known for her quote “Christ has no body but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours, Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on this world, Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good, Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours, yours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on this world. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.” We often are reminded of this beautiful confirmation and it reignites our mission and purpose in God’s Kingdom on Earth. But do we share this good news with all? Do we the share the good news that God is calling us ALL as we are to be a part of his kingdom and mission with the many voices of our young adults crying out in the wilderness? The Jesus Movement not only encourages us to make space of these conversation but challenges us to be active participants in our baptismal covenant and creating space for all voices in our ministries. Join us as we explore practices to cultivate the gifts, leadership and talents of our young adults within our church. Leave filling well equipped to bring these conversation and action tasks back to your congregations and communities.