Becoming an intentionally bilingual/multicultural congregation: Learning how to create a community of belonging
The Rev. Christopher Craun and The Rev. Mary Ann Hill
Join two rectors who have navigated the complexities of Latinx ministry within a predominantly Anglo congregation. Hear about the lessons learned and the joys celebrated while creatively engaging in what it could look like within your own congregational context.

Call to Leadership
Julia Ayala Harris

Do you feel that God is calling you to serve? Are you discerning a call to leadership? You may be interested in the various ways leadership can take to encourage others to participate. If you are a layperson or ordained, there is a place for you in our church! This workshop will cover the various types of leadership positions at all levels of the church, from the local parish level to the denominational level, the roles these positions play, and how they interact with each other. Come and discern where God may be calling you to be a leader!

Moment by Moment: Accompaniment with Migrants, and the Vocation to Serve
Father Héctor Trejo Cano, The Rev. Canon Lee Curtis
We have learned from experience on the border between El Paso and Ciudad Juárez that there are three essential ingredients of each project with migrants: * VOCATION * to serve and protect those who have left their land in search of a better life, * DISCIPLINE * aligned with the precepts of our faith, and, * VISION * for the achievement of goals that transcend, by * dignifying * the condition of each migrant as they pass through our home, and * building *, in concert with the institutions called to serve, a unrestricted commitment of our church.